Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sun in My Mouth

Originally posted 5/30/07.

I am now completely convinced that Holland is in fact the Shire. It is just peaceful and relaxed and everything is olive and hunter and lime. I am excitedly watching a hot air balloon at the moment fly closer to my window.

This evening, I decided to just bike over to the next small town to see the country. It will now be an every night occurance for me I think. Everything is so quiet and quaint. I think I even saw a Hobbit trapesing through the fields with a fishing pole.

Now the balloon is very close, and I am considering chasing it, though I know even with a bike, there is no chance I would catch it.....

Okay, back to my story, so I just took off today and luckily didn't get lost for 3 hours like Sam did the other day, but the trip just made me feel good. Breathing deeply the fresh air and letting the breeze slide past my face....amazing...well, until a speeding car dashes by, reminding you that this is in fact not a part of a Tolkein novel and causing you to pray for your life.

But anyway, I got some beautiful pictures along the way, and next time I will take my Minolta along.

Oh, and I also made friends with a wallaby.

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